Community Connections

Community connections are an important part of our company philosophy! We are proud to support the following local organizations:

Bissell Centre

Bissell CentreWe’ve had the pleasure of training hundreds of clients of the Bissell Centre over the years, as they integrate back into the workforce. This relationship has allowed us to truly understand the importance of this organization in our community and prompted us to become an ongoing sponsor. We often give back to the Bissell Centre with donations of work clothing, volunteer time and cash.

We also work extensively with other employment and immigration centres in the Greater Edmonton region, providing training for clients and helping them make their way into Alberta’s workforce.

Heart Safe Community – Public Access to AEDs

HeartSafeCommunityFrom July 2000 until September 2003, the City of Edmonton was one of 24 communities across North America that participated in the Public Access Defibrillation Trial (PAD Trial).  The trial was undertaken to determine whether deployment of AEDs in public locations would increase survival following out-of-hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrests.  In 2009 The “Edmonton HeartSafe” program transitioned into AHS with 500 AEDs registered in an online database that is being used as the template for the new provincial online AED registration program.

Alberta Health Services – Human Organ Procurement Exchange (HOPE) Program

alberta-health-services-logoDid you know that just one person’s organs and tissues used for transplantation can help up to 50 people and save 8 lives? Just imagine making an impact on so many lives! If you’ve ever considered becoming an organ donor, call 1-866-407-1970.

Canadian Blood Services

cdn blood services logoAnother organization that we choose to support and help promote is Canadian Blood Services. Blood donation is such an easy way to help others and it takes no time at all! Partners For Life is one of their initiatives that allows corporate and community organizations to support this important cause. Learn more at

Poison & Drug Information Service

side_image_poisonIt’s not just kids that we need to worry about when it comes to poison control. So many substances can be a poison and can hurt your body if it comes into contact with your eyes, skin or is breathed in or swallowed. Become educated about how to keep yourself, your coworkers and your family safe at

Kingsway District Association

fq9dad4tOur office, just off the Yellowhead and Kingsway Avenue, is not only a great location for students coming to our courses, it introduced us to the Kingsway District Association. We are members of the Association and also sit on the Board because we think it’s important to support and continue to foster this vibrant and progressive Edmonton business district.