ESC – MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms)

Learn how to work safety on Mobile Elevated Work Platforms. Must have a proper Fall Protection certificate.

Touchback Safety Inc.
In Person
6.5 hours

Length of Course: 6.5 hours

Practical portion of this course i completed on a Boom lift (Group B – Type 3).

IMPORTANT: Must have an OSSA/ESC Fall Protection Certificate to register for this course. BTATS or any other certificate will not be accepted.

If you register without the proper Fall Protection certificate, you will not be able to attend the course and the fee will not be refunded.


  • Touchback Safety Inc.
  • Valid 3 years
  • Complies with Industry and Workplace Health and Safety Standards


Group A – centre of the work platform remains within the perimeter of the chassis at all times
Scissor lifts – Vertical lifts

Group A











Group B – Center of the work platform can be positioned beyond the chassis
Boom lifts

Group B










Each Group is further broken down into types

Type 1– Can travel only in the stowed position and must be moved manually.
Example: Personnel / Push around lifts

Type 2 – Can travel elevated but is controlled from a point of the chassis
Example: Under-bridge inspection machine

Type 3 – Have controls on the work platform and can be driven elevated
Example: Booms / Scissors


These new standards affect all users, owners, operators, and supervisors. The new standards now place more responsibility on the MEWP user/owner. OH&S regulations require supervisors to be competent in their ability to supervise workers using MEWP’s. NEW CSA standards are not requiring supervisors to be trained (this is a new ANSI standard), however they require an **examiner to complete *familiarization and competency with the worker.
Once the worker (operator) has completed their training they will be required to complete a Familiarization and competency check with their employer’s designated examiner for each specific make and model of MEWP that falls under the classification their certificate indicates.

Feel free to use Touchback Safety’s Sample forms or for reference to create your own with the provided links below.

Group A – Type 3 (Scissor Lift)
Group B – Type 3 (Boom Lift)

*CSA B354.8:17 -6.2 – Familiarization

Before being authorized to operate a make/model of MEWP the operator shall receive familiarization by a qualified person in:

Location of manual

The manufactures specific warnings and instructions

The specific control functions

Function of each specific safety feature

Operating characteristics

The verification of annual inspection

**CSA B354.8.:17 (7.3) Examiner- The MEWP examiner shall be a qualified person to provide familiarization (See Clause6.2) and practical evaluation (see clause 6.3). An examiner is not required to be a qualified person to deliver operator theory.

Examiner’s knowledge and experience shall include, at a minimum, the following:

Experience as a qualified MEWP operator in the classifications for which they offer evaluations;

Knowledge of the practical evaluation process;

The ability to demonstrate and evaluate trainees on a pre start inspections;

Knowledge on risk assessments and workplace inspections; and

Knowledge of the safe use requirements defined in CSA-B357.7

Occupant Training (CSA B354.8:17 6.5) The MEWP operator shall provide instructions and ensure that the occupants have a basic level of knowledge to work safely on the MEWP

The occupant instruction shall include, as a minimum, the following:

Use fall protection and use of anchorage

Factors affecting stability

Safe use of accessories

Site specific work procedures for use of the MEWP

Avoidance of hazards as to the risk assessment

General knowledge of purpose and functions (controls, features, and devices including emergency shutdown and lowering procedures to bring the MEWP down to the ground or stowed position.)

The manufactures warnings related to work activity

Location of the operator’s manual

Training / Retraining (CSA B354.8:17 7.4)

The operator shall be trained or retrained as necessary to keep the level of proficiency at an acceptable level.

Biggest question we are being asked: Do our current operators need to be retrained? – This depends on their previous training, and how often they operate the equipment. Touchback Safety courses have always included Manufacturer requirements, OH&S regulations and ANSI, which include most of these new standards.

Examples of situations when retraining is necessary include, but not limited to:

expiration of valid training

deterioration of proficiency

following an accident or near miss while operating or using a MEWP

a condition on the workplace changed in a manner that could affect he safe operation of the MEWP

new MEWP technologies and working methods.

Additional info for all MEWP users:

All MEWP users must develop a risk assessment and site safety plan

There must be someone on the ground who can act as an operator in the event of an unexpected malfunction or emergency.

Maintenance personnel must be trained on any new features, such as tilt sensor, wind speed sensor, and load limit alarm. Attendance personnel must conduct annual inspections as well conducting an inspection on MEWP’s that have been out of service for more than 3 months.

New Aerial lifts will be required to have sensors that sound an alarm and prevent the machine from operating when the safe load limit is exceeded, must also include a tilt sensor that triggers an alarm and prevents movement of the chassis or work platform when a certain level of slope is exceeded.

Chains to close off entrances to the work platform will no longer be permitted; MEWPS will have to have a gate, complete with toe guards

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Why Students Choose ESC – MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms)

“I like the hands-on approach and having to work through scenarios - especially where something happens that's unexpected. Very good information, new things I never learned in university.”
“My H2S Alive Instructor was the best I've ever had! He was engaging and informative.  I'll be back!  - Chad”
“Our guys didn't feel "in a rush" to get out of the courses, which speaks volumes, considering they are sometimes in classes for over a week.”
“I really liked how we all got to work together as a team. It makes it a great environment! Keep up the great work!”

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