Who’s the best babysitter on the block? Babysitters who take a course from Second Chance! We’ve trained thousands of students in our 20+ years, offering our Babysitting Course to schools and communities in Edmonton and surrounding areas.
Babysitting is a great way to earn some extra money – but it’s also a huge responsibility! Everyone who takes care of younger children should take proper job training.
Length of Course: 7 Hours
Course Outline
- The Business of Babysitting
- Your Role
- Family Expectations
- Caring for Babies
- Caring for Toddlers
- Caring for Preschoolers
- Caring for School-Aged Children
- Creating Safe Environments
- How to handle Emergencies and First Aid
Second Chance CPR & First Aid offers the Babysitting Course to anyone 11-17 years of age. The program involves a variety of hands-on activities and training discussions using realistic life-size training dolls (one per student for a realistic experience!). Other important skills include first aid for choking, burns and child safety, to name just a few. After successfully completing the Babysitting Course, participants receive a completion card.
Hey Babysitters: In this 7-hour session, you’ll learn some babysitting basics, what to expect of children of different ages and how to handle emergencies – all the information your parents will want you to know. We’ll also throw in tons of useful tidbits and suggestions that will make you the most popular babysitter on the block!
Group bookings are welcome any time. Please contact us to discuss setting up a course for your group!
Learn more about how you can advance your career with our certifications
Fill our the contact form and our education specialists will get back to you within 1-2 business days.
Or check our Frequently Asked Questions here.
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